Table of Contents
- #include — Preprocessor include command (+)
- #include_once — Preprocessor include (once) command (+)
- #pragma — Sets AFL pre-processor option (✗)
- _TRACE — Print text to system debug viewer (○)
- GetClipboard — Retrieves current contents of Windows clipboard (✗)
- SetClipboard — Copies the text to the Windows clipboard (✗)
- ColorHSB — Specify color using Hue-Saturation-Brightness (+)
- ColorRGB — Specify color using Red-Green-Blue components
- CreateObject — Create a COM object (✗)
- CreateStaticObject — Create a static COM object (✗)
- EnableScript — Enable scripting engine (○)
- EnableTextOutput — Enables/disables text output in the Chart Commentary window
- GetAsyncKeyState — Query the current state of keyboard keys (✗)
- GetExtraData — Get extra data from external data source (✗)
- GetPerformanceCounter — Retrieves the current value of the high-resolution performance counter (✗)
- GetRealtime — Retrieves the real-time data fields (✗)
- GetRealtimeOther — Retrieves the real-time data fields (for specified symbol) (✗)
- GetScriptObject — Get access to script COM object (✗)
- IsEmpty — Empty value check
- IsFinite — Check if value is infinite
- IsNan — Checks for NaN (not a number)
- IsNull — Check for Null (empty) value
- IsTrue — True value (non-empty and non-zero) check
- GetNote — Retrieves the text of the note (✗)
- SetNote — Sets text of the note (✗)
- Nz — Null (Null/Nan/Infinity) to zero (+)
- PlaySound — Play back specified .WAV file (✗)
- PopupWindow — Display pop-up window (✗)
- Prefs — Retrieve preferences settings (✗)
- Say — Speaks a text (✗)
- SetBarsRequired — Set number of previous and future bars needed for script to properly execute (○)
- StaticVarCompareExchange — Atomic interlocked static variable compare-exchange operation (✗)
- StaticVarCount — Get the total number of static variables in memory (✗)
- StaticVarGet — Gets a value of the static variable (✗)
- StaticVarGetText — Gets a value of the static variable as a string (✗)
- StaticVarInfo — Get the information about static variable(s) (✗)
- StaticVarRemove — Remove static variable (✗)
- StaticVarSet — Sets a value of the static variable (✗)
- StaticVarSetText — Sets a value of tha static string variable (✗)
- GetStatus — Get run-time AFL status information
- CreateStudy — Reference hand-drawn study (✗)
- ThreadSleep — Suspend thread for specified number of milliseconds (✗)
- VarGet — Gets a value of the dynamic variable (✗)
- VarGetText — Gets a value of the text dynamic variable (✗)
- VarSet — Sets a value of the dynamic variable (✗)
- VarSetText — Sets a dynamic string variable (✗)
- Version — Get version info