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Lookup Enumeration
Represents different behaviors of key lookup in series. For unordered series, the only available option is `Lookup.Exact` which finds the exact key - methods fail or return missing value if the key is not available in the index. For ordered series `Lookup.Greater` finds the first greater key (e.g. later date) with a value. `Lookup.Smaller` searches for the first smaller key. The options `Lookup.ExactOrGreater` and `Lookup.ExactOrSmaller` finds the exact key (if it is present) and otherwise search for the nearest larger or smaller key, respectively. [category:Parameters and results of various operations]

Namespace:  Deedle
Assembly:  Deedle (in Deedle.dll) Version: 1.2
public enum Lookup
  Member nameDescription
Exact Lookup a value associated with the exact specified key. If the key is not available, then fail or return missing value.
ExactOrGreater Lookup a value associated with the specified key or with the nearest greater key that has a value available. Fails (or returns missing value) only when the specified key is greater than all available keys.
ExactOrSmaller Lookup a value associated with the specified key or with the nearest smaller key that has a value available. Fails (or returns missing value) only when the specified key is smaller than all available keys.
Greater Lookup a value associated with a key that is greater than the specified one. Fails (or returns missing value) when the specified key is greater or equal to the greatest available key.
Smaller Lookup a value associated with a key that is smaller than the specified one. Fails (or returns missing value) when the specified key is smaller or equal to the smallest available key.
See Also