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SeriesStatsExtensions Class
The type implements C# and F# extension methods that add numerical operations to Deedle series. With a few exceptions, the methods are only available for series containing floating-point values, that is `Series<'K, float>`. [category:Frame and series operations]
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Deedle
Assembly:  Deedle (in Deedle.dll) Version: 1.2
public class SeriesStatsExtensions

The SeriesStatsExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinearK
Linearly interpolates an ordered series given a new sequence of keys. ## Parameters - `keys` - Sequence of new keys that forms the index of interpolated results - `keyDiff` - A function representing "subtraction" between two keys [category:Calculations, aggregation and statistics]
Public methodStatic memberKurtosisK
Returns the kurtosis of the elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMaxK, V
Returns the greatest of all elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMaxLevelK1, V, K2
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `groupSelector` and then returns a new series containing the greatest element of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../features.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - A series of values that are used to calculate the greatest elements - `groupSelector` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMeanK
Returns the mean of the elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMeanLevelK1, K2
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `groupSelector` and then returns a new series containing the mean of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../features.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - A series of values that are used to calculate the means - `groupSelector` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMedianK
Returns the median of the elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMedianLevelK1, K2
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `groupSelector` and then returns a new series containing the median of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../features.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - A series of values that are used to calculate the medians - `groupSelector` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Statistics]
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMinK, V
Returns the smallest of all elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberMinLevelK1, V, K2
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `groupSelector` and then returns a new series containing the smallest element of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../features.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - A series of values that are used to calculate the smallest elements - `groupSelector` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberNumSumK, V
Returns the sum of the elements of the series of numeric values. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberSkewnessK
Returns the skewness of the elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberStandardDeviationK Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberStdDevK
Returns the standard deviation of the elements of the series. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberStdDevLevelK1, K2
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `groupSelector` and then returns a new series containing the standard deviation of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../features.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - A series of values that are used to calculate the standard deviations - `groupSelector` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberSumK
Returns the sum of the elements of the series of float values. [category:Statistics]
Public methodStatic memberSumLevelK1, K2
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `groupSelector` and then returns a new series containing the sum of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../features.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - A series of values that are used to calculate the sums - `groupSelector` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Statistics]
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also