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IVectorT Interface
A generic, typed vector. Represents mapping from addresses to values of type `T`. The vector provides a minimal interface that is required by series and can be implemented in a number of ways to provide vector backed by database or an alternative representation of data. [category:Vectors and indices]

Namespace:  Deedle
Assembly:  Deedle (in Deedle.dll) Version: 1.2
public interface IVector<T> : IVector

Type Parameters


The IVectorT type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddressingScheme
Returns the addressing scheme of the index. When creating a series or a frame this is compared for equality with the addressing scheme of the vector(s).
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public propertyData
Returns all data of the vector in one of the supported formats. Depending on the vector, data may be returned as a continuous block of memory using `ReadOnlyCollection<T>` or as a lazy sequence `seq<T>`.
Public propertyElementType
Returns the type of elements stored in the current vector as `System.Type`. This member is mainly used for internal purposes (to invoke a generic function represented by `VectorCallSite1<R>` with the typed version of the current vector as an argument.
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public propertyLength
Returns the number of elements in the vector
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public propertyObjectSequence
Returns all values of the vector as a sequence of optional objects
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public propertySuppressPrinting
When `true`, the formatter in F# Interactive will not attempt to evaluate the vector to print it. This is useful when the vector contains lazily loaded data.
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public methodConvertTNew
Create a vector whose values are converted using the specified function, but can be converted back using another specified function. For virtualized vectors, this enables e.g. efficient lookup on the returned vectors (by delegating the lookup to the original source)
Public methodGetObject
Return value stored in the vector at a specified address. This is simply an untyped version of `GetValue` method on a typed vector.
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public methodGetValue
Returns value stored in the vector at a specified address.
Public methodGetValueAtLocation
Returns value stored in the vector at a specified location. This can typically just call 'GetValue(loc.Address)', but it can do something more clever using the fact that the caller provided us with the address & offset.
Public methodInvokeR
Invokes the specified generic function (vector call site) with the current instance of vector passed as a statically typed vector (ie. IVector<ElementType>)
(Inherited from IVector.)
Public methodSelectTNew
Apply the specified function to all values stored in the vector and return a new vector (not necessarily of the same representation) with the results. The function handles missing values - it is called with optional values and may return a missing value as a result of the transformation.
See Also