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SeriesModule Class
The `Series` module provides an F#-friendly API for working with data and time series. The API follows the usual design for collection-processing in F#, so the functions work well with the pipelining (`|>`) operator. For example, given a series with ages, we can use `Series.filterValues` to filter outliers and then `Stats.mean` to calculate the mean: ages |> Series.filterValues (fun v -> v > 0.0 && v < 120.0) |> Stats.mean The module provides comprehensive set of functions for working with series. The same API is also exposed using C#-friendly extension methods. In C#, the above snippet could be written as: [lang=csharp] ages .Where(kvp => kvp.Value > 0.0 && kvp.Value < 120.0) .Mean() For more information about similar frame-manipulation functions, see the `Frame` module. For more information about C#-friendly extensions, see `SeriesExtensions`. The functions in the `Series` module are grouped in a number of categories and documented below. Accessing series data and lookup -------------------------------- Functions in this category provide access to the values in the series. - The term _observation_ is used for a key value pair in the series. - When working with a sorted series, it is possible to perform lookup using keys that are not present in the series - you can specify to search for the previous or next available value using _lookup behavior_. - Functions such as `get` and `getAll` have their counterparts `lookup` and `lookupAll` that let you specify lookup behavior. - For most of the functions that may fail, there is a `try[Foo]` variant that returns `None` instead of failing. - Functions with a name ending with `At` perform lookup based on the absolute integer offset (and ignore the keys of the series) Series transformations ---------------------- Functions in this category perform standard transformations on series including projections, filtering, taking some sub-series of the series, aggregating values using scanning and so on. Projection and filtering functions generally skip over missing values, but there are variants `filterAll` and `mapAll` that let you handle missing values explicitly. Keys can be transformed using `mapKeys`. When you do not need to consider the keys, and only care about values, use `filterValues` and `mapValues` (which is also aliased as the `$` operator). Series supports standard set of folding functions including `reduce` and `fold` (to reduce series values into a single value) as well as the `scan[All]` function, which can be used to fold values of a series into a series of intermeidate folding results. The functions `take[Last]` and `skip[Last]` can be used to take a sub-series of the original source series by skipping a specified number of elements. Note that this does not require an ordered series and it ignores the index - for index-based lookup use slicing, such as `series.[lo .. hi]`, instead. Finally the `shift` function can be used to obtain a series with values shifted by the specified offset. This can be used e.g. to get previous value for each key using `Series.shift 1 ts`. The `diff` function calculates difference from previous value using `ts - (Series.shift offs ts)`. Processing series with exceptions --------------------------------- The functions in this group can be used to write computations over series that may fail. They use the type `tryval<'T>` which is defined as a discriminated union: type tryval<'T> = | Success of 'T | Error of exn The function `tryMap` lets you create `Series<'K, tryval<'T>>` by mapping over values of an original series. You can then extract values using `tryValues`, which throws `AggregateException` if there were any errors. Functions `tryErrors` and `trySuccesses` give series containing only errors and successes. You can fill failed values with a constant using `fillErrorsWith`. Hierarchical index operations ----------------------------- When the key of a series is tuple, the elements of the tuple can be treated as multiple levels of a index. For example `Series<'K1 * 'K2, 'V>` has two levels with keys of types `'K1` and `'K2` respectively. The functions in this cateogry provide a way for aggregating values in the series at one of the levels. For example, given a series `input` indexed by two-element tuple, you can calculate mean for different first-level values as follows: input |> applyLevel fst Stats.mean Note that the `Stats` module provides helpers for typical statistical operations, so the above could be written just as `input |> Stats.levelMean fst`. Grouping, windowing and chunking -------------------------------- This category includes functions that group data from a series in some way. Two key concepts here are _window_ and _chunk_. Window refers to (overlapping) sliding windows over the input series while chunk refers to non-overlapping blocks of the series. The boundary behavior can be specified using the `Boundary` flags. The value `Skip` means that boundaries (incomplete windows or chunks) should be skipped. The value `AtBeginning` and `AtEnding` can be used to define at which side should the boundary be returned (or skipped). For chunking, `AtBeginning ||| Skip` makes sense and it means that the incomplete chunk at the beginning should be skipped (aligning the last chunk with the end). The behavior may be specified in a number of ways (which is reflected in the name): - `dist` - using an absolute distance between the keys - `while` - using a condition on the first and last key - `size` - by specifying the absolute size of the window/chunk The functions ending with `Into` take a function to be applied to the window/chunk. The functions `window`, `windowInto` and `chunk`, `chunkInto` are simplified versions that take a size. There is also `pairwise` function for sliding window of size two. Missing values -------------- This group of functions provides a way of working with missing values in a series. The `dropMissing` function drops all keys for which there are no values in the series. The `withMissingFrom` function lets you copy missing values from another series. The remaining functions provide different mechanism for filling the missing values. * `fillMissingWith` fills missing values with a specified constant * `fillMissingUsing` calls a specified function for every missing value * `fillMissing` and variants propagates values from previous/later keys Sorting and index manipulation ------------------------------ A series that is sorted by keys allows a number of additional operations (such as lookup using the `Lookp.ExactOrSmaller` lookup behavior). However, it is also possible to sort series based on the values - although the functions for manipulation with series do not guarantee that the order will be preserved. To sort series by keys, use `sortByKey`. Other sorting functions let you sort the series using a specified comparer function (`sortWith`), using a projection function (`sortBy`) and using the default comparison (`sort`). In addition, you can also replace the keys of a series with other keys using `indexWith` or with integers using `indexOrdinally`. To pick and reorder series values using to match a list of keys use `realign`. Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup ---------------------------------------- Given a (typically) time series sampling or resampling makes it possible to get time series with representative values at lower or uniform frequency. We use the following terminology: - `lookup` and `sample` functions find values at specified key; if a key is not available, they can look for value associated with the nearest smaller or the nearest greater key. - `resample` function aggregate values values into chunks based on a specified collection of keys (e.g. explicitly provided times), or based on some relation between keys (e.g. date times having the same date). - `resampleUniform` is similar to resampling, but we specify keys by providing functions that generate a uniform sequence of keys (e.g. days), the operation also fills value for days that have no corresponding observations in the input sequence. Joining, merging and zipping ---------------------------- Given two series, there are two ways to combine the values. If the keys in the series are not overlapping (or you want to throw away values from one or the other series), then you can use `merge` or `mergeUsing`. To merge more than 2 series efficiently, use the `mergeAll` function, which has been optimized for large number of series. If you want to align two series, you can use the _zipping_ operation. This aligns two series based on their keys and gives you tuples of values. The default behavior (`zip`) uses outer join and exact matching. For ordered series, you can specify other forms of key lookups (e.g. find the greatest smaller key) using `zipAlign`. functions ending with `Into` are generally easier to use as they call a specified function to turn the tuple (of possibly missing values) into a new value. For more complicated behaviors, it is often convenient to use joins on frames instead of working with series. Create two frames with single columns and then use the join operation. The result will be a frame with two columns (which is easier to use than series of tuples). [category:Frame and series operations]
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Deedle
Assembly:  Deedle (in Deedle.dll) Version: 1.2
public static class SeriesModule

The SeriesModule type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAggregateK, T, TNewKey
Aggregates an ordered series using the method specified by `Aggregation<K>` and returns the windows or chunks as nested series. A key for each window or chunk is selected using the specified `keySelector`. ## Parameters - `aggregation` - Specifies the aggregation method using `Aggregation<K>`. This is a discriminated union listing various chunking and windowing conditions. - `keySelector` - A function that is called on each chunk to obtain a key. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberAggregateIntoK, T, TNewKey, R
Aggregates an ordered series using the method specified by `Aggregation<K>` and then applies the provided value selector `f` on each window or chunk to produce the result which is returned as a new series. A key for each window or chunk is selected using the specified `keySelector`. ## Parameters - `aggregation` - Specifies the aggregation method using `Aggregation<K>`. This is a discriminated union listing various chunking and windowing conditions. - `keySelector` - A function that is called on each chunk to obtain a key. - `f` - A value selector function that is called to aggregate each chunk or window. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberApplyLevelK1, K2, V, R
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `level` and then aggregates series representing each group using the specified function `op`. The result is a new series containing the aggregates of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../frame.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be aggregated - `op` - A function that takes a series and produces an aggregated result - `level` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Hierarchical index operations]
Public methodStatic memberApplyLevelOptionalK1, K2, V, R
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `level` and then aggregates series representing each group using the specified function `op`. The result is a new series containing the aggregates of each group. The result of a group may be None, in which case the group will have no representation in the resulting series. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../frame.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be aggregated - `op` - A function that takes a series and produces an optional aggregated result - `level` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Hierarchical index operations]
Public methodStatic memberConvertT, R, K
Retruns a new series whose values are converted using the specified conversion function. This operation is like `mapValues`, but it requires a pair of function that converts the values in _both ways_. ## Parameters - `forward` - Function that converts original values to the new - `backward` - Function that converts new values back to the original ## Remarks This operation is only interesting when working with virtualized data sources. Using the `convert` function makes it possible to perfom additional operations on the resulting series - for example lookup - by converting the new value back and using the lookup of the underlying virtualized source.
Public methodStatic memberCountKeysK, T
Returns the total number of keys in the specified series. This returns the total length of the series, including keys for which there is no value available. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberCountValuesK, T
Returns the total number of values in the specified series. This excludes missing values or not available values (such as values created from `null`, `Double.NaN`, or those that are missing due to outer join etc.). [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberDiffK, T
Returns a series containing difference between a value in the original series and a value at the specified offset. For example, calling `Series.diff 1 s` returns a series where previous value is subtracted from the current one. In pseudo-code, the function behaves as follows: result[k] = series[k] - series[k - offset] ## Parameters - `offset` - When positive, subtracts the past values from the current values; when negative, subtracts the future values from the current values. - `series` - The input series, containing values that support the `-` operator. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberDropMissingK, T
Drop missing values from the specified series. The returned series contains only those keys for which there is a value available in the original one. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be filtered ## Example let s = series [ 1 => 1.0; 2 => Double.NaN ] s |> Series.dropMissing [fsi:val it : Series<int,float> = series [ 1 => 1] [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberfillErrorsWithT, K
Givnen a series of `tryval<'V>` values, returns a new series where all `Error` values are filled with the specified constant value. [category:Processing series with exceptions]
Public methodStatic memberFillMissingK, T
Fill missing values in the series with the nearest available value (using the specified direction). Note that the series may still contain missing values after call to this function. This operation can only be used on ordered series. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series that is to be filled - `direction` - Specifies the direction used when searching for the nearest available value. `Backward` means that we want to look for the first value with a smaller key while `Forward` searches for the nearest greater key. ## Example let sample = Series.ofValues [ Double.NaN; 1.0; Double.NaN; 3.0 ] // Returns a series consisting of [1; 1; 3; 3] sample |> Series.fillMissing Direction.Backward // Returns a series consisting of [<missing>; 1; 1; 3] sample |> Series.fillMissing Direction.Forward [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberFillMissingBetweenK, T
Fill missing values only between `startKey` and `endKey`, inclusive. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series that is to be filled - `direction` - Specifies the direction used when searching for the nearest available value. `Backward` means that we want to look for the first value with a smaller key while `Forward` searches for the nearest greater key. - `startKey` - the lower bound at which values should be filled - `endKey` - the upper bound at which values should be filled [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberFillMissingInsideK, T
Fill missing values only between the first and last non-missing values. [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberFillMissingUsingK, T
Fill missing values in the series using the specified function. The specified function is called with all keys for which the series does not contain value and the result of the call is used in place of the missing value. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series that is to be filled - `f` - A function that takes key `K` and generates a value to be used in a place where the original series contains a missing value. ## Remarks This function can be used to implement more complex interpolation. For example see [handling missing values in the tutorial](../frame.html#missing) [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberFillMissingWitha, K, T
Fill missing values in the series with a constant value. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series that is to be filled - `value` - A constant value that is used to fill all missing values [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberFilterK, T
Returns a new series containing only the elements for which the specified predicate returns `true`. The function skips over missing values. If you want to handle missing values, use `filterAll` instead. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberFilterAllK, T
Returns a new series containing only the elements for which the specified predicate returns `true`. The predicate is called for missing values as well. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberFilterValuesT, K
Returns a new series containing only the elements for which the specified predicate returns `true`. The function skips over missing values and calls the predicate with just the value. See also `filterAll` and `filter` for more options. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberFlattenK, T
Given a series containing optional values, flatten the option values. That is, `None` values become missing values of the series and `Some` values become ordinary values in the resulting series. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberFoldValuesa, T, K
Aggregates the values of the specified series using a function that can combine individual values. The folding starts with the specified initial value. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be aggregated - `init` - An initial value for the aggregation - `op` - A function that is used to aggregate elements of the series with the current state [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberForceK, V
Returns a new fully evaluated series. If the source series contains a lazy index or lazy vectors, these are forced to evaluate and the resulting series is fully loaded in memory. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberGetK, T
Get the value for the specified key. Uses exact lookup semantics for key lookup - use `lookup` for more options [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetAllObservationsK, T
Returns all keys from the sequence, together with the associated (optional) values. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetAllValuesK, T
Returns the series values (both missing and present) as a sequence [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetAtK, T
Returns the value at the specified (integer) offset. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetFirstKeyK, V
Returns the first key of the series, or throws exception if one doesn't exist [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetFirstValueK, V
Returns the first value of the series. This fails if the first value is missing. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetKeysK, T
Returns the keys of the series as a sequence [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetLastKeyK, V
Returns the last key of the series, or throws exception if one doesn't exist [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetLastValueK, V
Returns the last value of the series. This fails if the last value is missing. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetObservationsK, T(SeriesK, T)
Return observations with available values. The operation skips over all keys with missing values (such as values created from `null`, `Double.NaN`, or those that are missing due to outer join etc.). [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetObservationsK, T(IEnumerableK, SeriesK, T)
Create a new series that contains values for all provided keys. Uses exact lookup semantics for key lookup - use `lookupAll` for more options ## Parameters - `keys` - A sequence of keys that will form the keys of the retunred sequence [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberGetValuesK, T
Returns the (non-missing) values of the series as a sequence [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic membergroupByK, T, TNewKey
Groups a series (ordered or unordered) using the specified key selector (`keySelector`) and then returns a series of (nested) series as the result. The outer series is indexed by the newly produced keys, the nested series are indexed with the original keys. ## Parameters - `keySelector` - Generates a new key that is used for aggregation, based on the original key and value. The new key must support equality testing. - `series` - An input series to be grouped. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic membergroupIntoK, T, TNewKey, TNewValue
Groups a series (ordered or unordered) using the specified key selector (`keySelector`) and then aggregates each group into a single value, returned in the resulting series, using the provided `f` function. ## Parameters - `keySelector` - Generates a new key that is used for aggregation, based on the original key and value. The new key must support equality testing. - `f` - A function to aggregate each group of collected elements. - `series` - An input series to be grouped. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberHasK, T
Returns true when the series contains value for the specified key (This is useful for checking prior to performing a computation) [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberHasAllK, T
Returns true when the series contains value for all of the specified keys (This is useful for checking prior to performing a computation) [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberHasNoneK, T
Returns true when the series does not contains value for any of the specified keys (This is useful for checking prior to performing a computation) [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberHasNotK, T
Returns true when the series does not contains value for the specified key (This is useful for checking prior to performing a computation) [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberHasSomeK, T
Returns true when the series contains value for some of the specified keys (This is useful for checking prior to performing a computation) [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberChunkK, T
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks and returns the produced chunks as a nested series. The key in the new series is the last key of the chunk. This function skips incomplete chunks - you can use `Series.chunkSize` for more options. ## Parameters - `size` - The size of the chunk. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkDistanceD, K, T
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks. A chunk is started once the distance between the first and the last key of a previous chunk is greater than the specified `distance`. The chunks are then returned as a nested series. The key of each chunk is the key of the first element in the chunk. ## Parameters - `distance` - The maximal allowed distance between keys of a chunk. Note that this is an inline function - there must be `-` operator defined between `distance` and the keys of the series. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkDistanceIntoD, K, T, R
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks. A chunk is started once the distance between the first and the last key of a previous chunk is greater than the specified `distance`. Each chunk is then aggregated into a value using the specified function `f`. The key of each chunk is the key of the first element in the chunk. ## Parameters - `distance` - The maximal allowed distance between keys of a chunk. Note that this is an inline function - there must be `-` operator defined between `distance` and the keys of the series. - `f` - A value selector that is called to aggregate each chunk. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkIntoK, T, R
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks and then applies the provided value selector `f` on each chunk to produce the result which is returned as a new series. The key in the new series is the last key of the chunk. This function skips incomplete chunks - you can use `Series.chunkSizeInto` for more options. ## Parameters - `size` - The size of the chunk. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkSizeK, T
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks using the specified size and boundary behavior and returns the produced chunks as a nested series. The key is the first key of the chunk, unless boundary behavior has `Boundary.AtBeginning` flag (in which case it is the last key). ## Parameters - `bounds` - Specifies the chunk size and bounary behavior. The boundary behavior can be `Boundary.Skip` (meaning that no incomplete chunks are produced), `Boundary.AtBeginning` (meaning that incomplete chunks are produced at the beginning) or `Boundary.AtEnding` (to produce incomplete chunks at the end of series) - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkSizeIntoK, T, R
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks using the specified size and boundary behavior and then applies the provided value selector `f` on each chunk to produce the result which is returned as a new series. The key is the first key of the chunk, unless boundary behavior has `Boundary.AtBeginning` flag (in which case it is the last key). ## Parameters - `bounds` - Specifies the chunk size and bounary behavior. The boundary behavior can be `Boundary.Skip` (meaning that no incomplete chunks are produced), `Boundary.AtBeginning` (meaning that incomplete chunks are produced at the beginning) or `Boundary.AtEnding` (to produce incomplete chunks at the end of series) - `f` - A value selector that is called to aggregate each chunk. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkWhileK, T
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks based on a condition on keys. A chunk is started once the specified `cond` function returns `false` when called on the first and the last key of the previous chunk. The chunks are then returned as a nested series. The key of each chunk is the key of the first element in the chunk. ## Parameters - `cond` - A function that is called on the first and the last key of a chunk to determine when a window should end. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberChunkWhileIntoK, T, a
Aggregates the input into a series of adacent chunks based on a condition on keys. A chunk is started once the specified `cond` function returns `false` when called on the first and the last key of the previous chunk. Each chunk is then aggregated into a value using the specified function `f`. The key of each chunk is the key of the first element in the chunk. ## Parameters - `cond` - A function that is called on the first and the last key of a chunk to determine when a window should end. - `f` - A value selector that is called to aggregate each chunk. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberIndexOrdinallyK, T
Return a new series containing the same values as the original series, but with ordinal index formed by `int` values starting from 0. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberIndexWithK2, K1, T
Returns a new series containing the specified keys mapped to the original values of the series. When the sequence contains _fewer_ keys, the values from the series are dropped. When it contains _more_ keys, the values for additional keys are missing. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberLookupK, T
Get the value for the specified key. Use the specified lookup semantics - for exact matching, use `get` [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberLookupAllK, T
Create a new series that contains values for all provided keys. Use the specified lookup semantics - for exact matching, use `getAll` ## Parameters - `keys` - A sequence of keys that will form the keys of the retunred sequence - `lookup` - Lookup behavior to use when the value at the specified key does not exist [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberlookupTimeK, V
Finds values at, or near, the specified times in a given series. The operation generates keys starting from the smallest key of the original series, using the specified `interval` and then finds values close to such keys using the specified `lookup` and `dir`. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `interval` - The interval between the individual samples - `dir` - Specifies how the keys should be generated. `Direction.Forward` means that the key is the smallest value of each chunk (and so first key of the series is returned and the last is not, unless it matches exactly _start + k*interval_); `Direction.Backward` means that the first key is skipped and sample is generated at, or just before the end of interval and at the end of the series. - `lookup` - Specifies how the lookup based on keys is performed. `Exact` means that the values at exact keys will be returned; `NearestGreater` returns the nearest greater key value (starting at the first key) and `NearestSmaller` returns the nearest smaller key value (starting at most `interval` after the end of the series) ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberlookupTimeAtK, V
Finds values at, or near, the specified times in a given series. The operation generates keys starting at the specified `start` time, using the specified `interval` and then finds values close to such keys using the specified `lookup` and `dir`. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `start` - The initial time to be used for sampling - `interval` - The interval between the individual samples - `dir` - Specifies how the keys should be generated. `Direction.Forward` means that the key is the smallest value of each chunk (and so first key of the series is returned and the last is not, unless it matches exactly _start + k*interval_); `Direction.Backward` means that the first key is skipped and sample is generated at, or just before the end of interval and at the end of the series. - `lookup` - Specifies how the lookup based on keys is performed. `Exact` means that the values at exact keys will be returned; `NearestGreater` returns the nearest greater key value (starting at the first key) and `NearestSmaller` returns the nearest smaller key value (starting at most `interval` after the end of the series) ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberMapK, T, R
Returns a new series whose values are the results of applying the given function to values of the original series. This function skips over missing values and call the function with both keys and values. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberMapAllK, T, R
Returns a new series whose values are the results of applying the given function to values of the original series. This specified function is called even when the value is missing. It returns `option<'T>` so that it can create/eliminate missing values in the result. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberMapKeysK, R, T
Returns a new series whose keys are the results of applying the given function to keys of the original series. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberMapValuesT, R, K
Returns a new series whose values are the results of applying the given function to values of the original series. This function skips over missing values and call the function with just values. It is also aliased using the `$` operator so you can write `series $ func` for `series |> Series.mapValues func`. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberMergeK, V
Merge two series with distinct keys. When the same key with a value occurs in both series, an exception is thrown. In that case, you can use `mergeUsing`, which allows specifying merging behavior. [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberMergeAllK, V
Merge multiple series with distinct keys. When the same key with a value occurs in two of the series, an exception is thrown. This function is efficient even when the number of series to be merged is large. [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberMergeUsingK, V
Merge two series with possibly overlapping keys. The `behavior` parameter specifies how to handle situation when a value is definedin both series. ## Parameters - `behavior` specifies how to handle values available in both series. You can use `UnionBehavior.Exclusive` to throw an exception, or `UnionBehavior.PreferLeft` and `UnionBehavior.PreferRight` to prefer values from the first or the second series, respectively. - `series1` - the first (left) series to be merged - `series2` - the second (right) series to be merged [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberPairwiseK, T
Returns a series containing the predecessor and an element for each input, except for the first one. The returned series is one key shorter (it does not contain a value for the first key). ## Parameters - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. ## Example let input = series [ 1 => 'a'; 2 => 'b'; 3 => 'c'] let res = input |> Series.pairwise res = series [2 => ('a', 'b'); 3 => ('b', 'c') ] [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberPairwiseWithK, T, a
Aggregates the input into pairs containing the predecessor and an element for each input, except for the first one. Then calls the specified aggregation function `f` with a tuple and a key. The returned series is one key shorter (it does not contain a value for the first key). ## Parameters - `f` - A function that is called for each pair to produce result in the final series. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberRealignK, T
Given an original series and a sequence of keys, returns a new series that contains the matching value for each of the specified keys. The `KeyCount` of the returned sequence is the length of `keys`. If there is no value for the specified keys in the input sequence, the returned series will contain a missing value. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberReduceLevelK1, K2, T
Groups the elements of the input series in groups based on the keys produced by `level` and then aggregates elements in each group using the specified function `op`. The result is a new series containing the aggregates of each group. This operation is designed to be used with [hierarchical indexing](../frame.html#indexing). ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be aggregated - `op` - A function that is used to aggregate elements of each group - `level` - A delegate that returns a new group key, based on the key in the input series [category:Hierarchical index operations]
Public methodStatic memberReduceValuesT, K
Aggregates the values of the specified series using a function that can combine individual values. Fails if the series contains no values. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be aggregated - `op` - A function that is used to aggregate elements of the series [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberresampleK, V
Resample the series based on a provided collection of keys. The values of the series are aggregated into chunks based on the specified keys. Depending on `direction`, the specified key is either used as the smallest or as the greatest key of the chunk (with the exception of boundaries that are added to the first/last chunk). Such chunks are then returned as nested series. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `keys` - A collection of keys to be used for resampling of the series - `dir` - If this parameter is `Direction.Forward`, then each key is used as the smallest key in a chunk; for `Direction.Backward`, the keys are used as the greatest keys in a chunk. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberresampleEquivK1, K2, V1
Resample the series based on equivalence class on the keys. A specified function `keyProj` is used to project keys to another space and the observations for which the projected keys are equivalent are grouped into chunks. The chunks are then returned as nested series. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `keyProj` - A function that transforms keys from original space to a new space (which is then used for grouping based on equivalence) ## Remarks This function is similar to `Series.chunkBy`, with the exception that it transforms keys to a new space. This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. For unordered series, similar functionality can be implemented using `Series.groupBy`. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberresampleEquivIntoK1, K2, V1, V2
Resample the series based on equivalence class on the keys. A specified function `keyProj` is used to project keys to another space and the observations for which the projected keys are equivalent are grouped into chunks. The chunks are then transformed to values using the provided function `f`. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `keyProj` - A function that transforms keys from original space to a new space (which is then used for grouping based on equivalence) - `f` - A function that is used to collapse a generated chunk into a single value. ## Remarks This function is similar to `Series.chunkBy`, with the exception that it transforms keys to a new space. This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. For unordered series, similar functionality can be implemented using `Series.groupBy`. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberresampleIntoK, V, a
Resample the series based on a provided collection of keys. The values of the series are aggregated into chunks based on the specified keys. Depending on `direction`, the specified key is either used as the smallest or as the greatest key of the chunk (with the exception of boundaries that are added to the first/last chunk). Such chunks are then aggregated using the provided function `f`. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `keys` - A collection of keys to be used for resampling of the series - `dir` - If this parameter is `Direction.Forward`, then each key is used as the smallest key in a chunk; for `Direction.Backward`, the keys are used as the greatest keys in a chunk. - `f` - A function that is used to collapse a generated chunk into a single value. Note that this function may be called with empty series. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberresampleUniformK1, K2, V
Resample the series based on equivalence class on the keys and also generate values for all keys of the target space that are between the minimal and maximal key of the specified series (e.g. generate value for all days in the range covered by the series). A specified function `keyProj` is used to project keys to another space and `nextKey` is used to generate all keys in the range. Then return the chunks as nested series. When there are no values for a (generated) key, then the function behaves according to `fillMode`. It can look at the greatest value of previous chunk or smallest value of the next chunk, or it produces an empty series. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `fillMode` - When set to `Lookup.NearestSmaller` or `Lookup.NearestGreater`, the function searches for a nearest available observation in an neighboring chunk. Otherwise, the function `f` is called with an empty series as an argument. - `keyProj` - A function that transforms keys from original space to a new space (which is then used for grouping based on equivalence) - `nextKey` - A function that gets the next key in the transformed space ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberresampleUniformIntoK1, K2, V, a
Resample the series based on equivalence class on the keys and also generate values for all keys of the target space that are between the minimal and maximal key of the specified series (e.g. generate value for all days in the range covered by the series). A specified function `keyProj` is used to project keys to another space and `nextKey` is used to generate all keys in the range. The chunk is then aggregated using `f`. When there are no values for a (generated) key, then the function behaves according to `fillMode`. It can look at the greatest value of previous chunk or smallest value of the next chunk, or it produces an empty series. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `fillMode` - When set to `Lookup.ExactOrSmaller` or `Lookup.ExactOrGreater`, the function searches for a nearest available observation in an neighboring chunk. Otherwise, the function `f` is called with an empty series as an argument. Values `Lookup.Smaller` and `Lookup.Greater` are not supported. - `keyProj` - A function that transforms keys from original space to a new space (which is then used for grouping based on equivalence) - `nextKey` - A function that gets the next key in the transformed space - `f` - A function that is used to collapse a generated chunk into a single value. The function may be called on empty series when `fillMode` is `Lookup.Exact`. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberReverseK, T
Returns a new series, containing the observations of the original series in a reverse order. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberSampleK, T
Sample an (ordered) series by finding the value at the exact or closest prior key for some new sequence of keys. ## Parameters - `keys` - A sequence of keys that will form the keys of the retunred sequence [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic membersampleTimea, b
Performs sampling by time and returns chunks obtained by time-sampling as a nested series. The operation generates keys starting at the first key in the source series, using the specified `interval` and then obtains chunks based on these keys in a fashion similar to the `Series.resample` function. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `interval` - The interval between the individual samples - `dir` - If this parameter is `Direction.Forward`, then each key is used as the smallest key in a chunk; for `Direction.Backward`, the keys are used as the greatest keys in a chunk. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic membersampleTimeAta, b
Performs sampling by time and returns chunks obtained by time-sampling as a nested series. The operation generates keys starting at the given `start` time, using the specified `interval` and then obtains chunks based on these keys in a fashion similar to the `Series.resample` function. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `start` - The initial time to be used for sampling - `interval` - The interval between the individual samples - `dir` - If this parameter is `Direction.Forward`, then each key is used as the smallest key in a chunk; for `Direction.Backward`, the keys are used as the greatest keys in a chunk. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic membersampleTimeAtIntoK, V, a
Performs sampling by time and aggregates chunks obtained by time-sampling into a single value using a specified function. The operation generates keys starting at the given `start` time, using the specified `interval` and then obtains chunks based on these keys in a fashion similar to the `Series.resample` function. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `start` - The initial time to be used for sampling - `interval` - The interval between the individual samples - `dir` - If this parameter is `Direction.Forward`, then each key is used as the smallest key in a chunk; for `Direction.Backward`, the keys are used as the greatest keys in a chunk. - `f` - A function that is called to aggregate each chunk into a single value. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic membersampleTimeIntoK, V, a
Performs sampling by time and aggregates chunks obtained by time-sampling into a single value using a specified function. The operation generates keys starting at the first key in the source series, using the specified `interval` and then obtains chunks based on these keys in a fashion similar to the `Series.resample` function. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be resampled - `interval` - The interval between the individual samples - `dir` - If this parameter is `Direction.Forward`, then each key is used as the smallest key in a chunk; for `Direction.Backward`, the keys are used as the greatest keys in a chunk. - `f` - A function that is called to aggregate each chunk into a single value. ## Remarks This operation is only supported on ordered series. The method throws `InvalidOperationException` when the series is not ordered. [category:Sampling, resampling and advanced lookup]
Public methodStatic memberScanAllValuesR, T, K
Applies a folding function starting with some initial optional value and the first optional value of the series, and continues to "scan" along the series, saving all values produced from the first function application, and yielding a new series having the original index and newly produced values. ## Parameters - `foldFunc` - A folding function - `init` - An initial value - `series` - The series over whose values to scan [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberScanValuesR, T, K
Applies a folding function starting with some initial value and the first value of the series, and continues to "scan" along the series, saving all values produced from the first function application, and yielding a new series having the original index and newly produced values. Any application involving a missing value yields a missing value. ## Parameters - `foldFunc` - A folding function - `init` - An initial value - `series` - The series over whose values to scan [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberShiftK, T
Returns a series with values shifted by the specified offset. When the offset is positive, the values are shifted forward and first `offset` keys are dropped. When the offset is negative, the values are shifted backwards and the last `offset` keys are dropped. Expressed in pseudo-code: result[k] = series[k - offset] ## Parameters - `offset` - Can be both positive and negative number. - `series` - The input series to be shifted. ## Remarks If you want to calculate the difference, e.g. `s - (Series.shift 1 s)`, you can use `Series.diff` which will be a little bit faster. [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberSkipK, T
Returns a series that contains the data from the original series, except for the first `count` keys. ## Parameters - `count` - Number of keys to skip; must be smaller or equal to the original number of keys - `series` - Input series from which the keys are taken [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberSkipLastK, T
Returns a series that contains the data from the original series, except for the last `count` keys. ## Parameters - `count` - Number of keys to skip; must be smaller or equal to the original number of keys - `series` - Input series from which the keys are taken [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberSortK, V
Returns a new series, containing the observations of the original series sorted based on the default ordering defined on the values of the series. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberSortByT, V, K
Returns a new series, containing the observations of the original series sorted by values returned by the specified projection function. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series whose values are sorter - `proj` - A projection function that returns a value to be compared for each value contained in the original input series. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberSortByKeyK, T
Returns a new series whose observations are sorted according to keys of the index. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series to be sorted [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberSortWithV, K
Returns a new series, containing the observations of the original series sorted using the specified comparison function. ## Parameters - `series` - An input series whose values are sorter - `comparer` - A comparer function on the series values. The function should return negative integer when the first value is smaller, positive when it is greater and 0 when the values are equal. [category:Sorting and index manipulation]
Public methodStatic memberTakeK, T
Returns a series that contains the specified number of keys from the original series. ## Parameters - `count` - Number of keys to take; must be smaller or equal to the original number of keys - `series` - Input series from which the keys are taken [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic memberTakeLastK, T
Returns a series that contains the specified number of keys from the original series. The keys are taken from the end of the series. ## Parameters - `count` - Number of keys to take; must be smaller or equal to the original number of keys - `series` - Input series from which the keys are taken [category:Series transformations]
Public methodStatic membertryErrorsK, V
Given a series of `tryval<'V>` values, returns a series that contains all exceptions contained in the source series. The exceptions are returned as a series. [category:Processing series with exceptions]
Public methodStatic memberTryGetK, T
Get the value for the specified key. Returns `None` when the key does not exist or the value is missing. Uses exact lookup semantics for key lookup - use `tryLookup` for more options [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberTryGetAtK, T
Returns the value at the specified (integer) offset, or `None` if the value is missing. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberTryGetFirstValueK, V
Returns the last value of the series if one exists. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberTryGetLastValueK, V
Returns the last value of the series if one exists. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberTryLookupK, T
Attempts to get the value for the specified key. If the value is not available, `None` is returned. Use the specified lookup semantics - for exact matching, use `tryGet`. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic memberTryLookupObservationK, T
Attempts to get an observation (key value pair) based on the specified key. The search uses the specified lookup semantics and so the returned key may differ from the key searched for. If the value is not available, `None` is returned. [category:Accessing series data and lookup]
Public methodStatic membertryMapK, T, R
Returns a new series by applying the specified transformation to all values of the input series. The result contains `Error(e)` when the projection fails with an exception `e` or `Success(v)` containing a value `v` otherwise. [category:Processing series with exceptions]
Public methodStatic membertrySuccessesK, V
Given a series of `tryval<'V>` values, returns a series that contains all values contained in the source series. The input elements containing exceptions are ignored. [category:Processing series with exceptions]
Public methodStatic membertryValuesK, T
Obtains values from a series of `tryval<'T>` values. When the series contains one or more failures, the operation throws `AggregateException`. Otherwise, it returns a series containing values. [category:Processing series with exceptions]
Public methodStatic memberWindowK, T
Creates a sliding window using the specified size and returns the produced windows as a nested series. The key in the new series is the last key of the window. This function skips incomplete chunks - you can use `Series.windowSize` for more options. ## Parameters - `size` - The size of the sliding window. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowDistanceD, K, T
Creates a sliding window based on distance between keys. A window is started at each input element and ends once the distance between the first and the last key is greater than the specified `distance`. The windows are then returned as a nested series. The key of each window is the key of the first element in the window. ## Parameters - `distance` - The maximal allowed distance between keys of a window. Note that this is an inline function - there must be `-` operator defined between `distance` and the keys of the series. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowDistanceIntoa, K, T, b
Creates a sliding window based on distance between keys. A window is started at each input element and ends once the distance between the first and the last key is greater than the specified `distance`. Each window is then aggregated into a value using the specified function `f`. The key of each window is the key of the first element in the window. ## Parameters - `distance` - The maximal allowed distance between keys of a window. Note that this is an inline function - there must be `-` operator defined between `distance` and the keys of the series. - `f` - A function that is used to aggregate each window into a single value. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowIntoK, T, R
Creates a sliding window using the specified size and then applies the provided value selector `f` on each window to produce the result which is returned as a new series. This function skips incomplete chunks - you can use `Series.windowSizeInto` for more options. ## Parameters - `size` - The size of the sliding window. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. - `f` - A function that is called on each created window. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowSizeK, T
Creates a sliding window using the specified size and boundary behavior and returns the produced windows as a nested series. The key is the last key of the window, unless boundary behavior is `Boundary.AtEnding` (in which case it is the first key). ## Parameters - `bounds` - Specifies the window size and bounary behavior. The boundary behavior can be `Boundary.Skip` (meaning that no incomplete windows are produced), `Boundary.AtBeginning` (meaning that incomplete windows are produced at the beginning) or `Boundary.AtEnding` (to produce incomplete windows at the end of series) - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowSizeIntoK, T, R
Creates a sliding window using the specified size and boundary behavior and then applies the provided value selector `f` on each window to produce the result which is returned as a new series. The key is the last key of the window, unless boundary behavior is `Boundary.AtEnding` (in which case it is the first key). ## Parameters - `bounds` - Specifies the window size and bounary behavior. The boundary behavior can be `Boundary.Skip` (meaning that no incomplete windows are produced), `Boundary.AtBeginning` (meaning that incomplete windows are produced at the beginning) or `Boundary.AtEnding` (to produce incomplete windows at the end of series) - `f` - A value selector that is called to aggregate each window. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowWhileK, T
Creates a sliding window based on a condition on keys. A window is started at each input element and ends once the specified `cond` function returns `false` when called on the first and the last key of the window. The windows are then returned as a nested series. The key of each window is the key of the first element in the window. ## Parameters - `cond` - A function that is called on the first and the last key of a window to determine when a window should end. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWindowWhileIntoK, T, a
Creates a sliding window based on a condition on keys. A window is started at each input element and ends once the specified `cond` function returns `false` when called on the first and the last key of the window. Each window is then aggregated into a value using the specified function `f`. The key of each window is the key of the first element in the window. ## Parameters - `cond` - A function that is called on the first and the last key of a window to determine when a window should end. - `f` - A function that is used to aggregate each window into a single value. - `series` - The input series to be aggregated. [category:Grouping, windowing and chunking]
Public methodStatic memberWithMissingFromK, S, T
Returns the current series with the same index but with values missing wherever the corresponding key exists in the other series index with an associated missing value. [category:Missing values]
Public methodStatic memberZipK, V1, V2
Align and zip two series using outer join and exact key matching. The function returns a series of tuples where both elements may be missing. As a result, it is often easier to use join on frames instead. [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberZipAlignK, V1, V2
Align and zip two series using the specified joining mechanism and key matching. The function returns a series of tuples where both elements may be missing. As a result, it is often easier to use join on frames instead. ## Parameters - `kind` specifies the kind of join you want to use (left, right, inner or outer). For inner join, it is better to use `zipInner` instead. - `lookup` specifies how matching keys are found when left or right join is used on a sorted series. Use this to find the nearest smaller or nearest greater key in the other series. Supported values are `Lookup.Exact`, `Lookup.ExactOrSmaller` and `Lookup.ExactOrGreater`. - `series1` - The first (left) series to be aligned - `series2` - The second (right) series to be aligned [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberZipAlignIntoV1, V2, R, K
Align and zip two series using the specified joining mechanism and key matching. The function calls the specified function `op` to combine values from the two series ## Parameters - `kind` specifies the kind of join you want to use (left, right, inner or outer). For inner join, it is better to use `zipInner` instead. - `lookup` specifies how matching keys are found when left or right join is used on a sorted series. Use this to find the nearest smaller or nearest greater key in the other series. Supported values are `Lookup.Exact`, `Lookup.ExactOrSmaller` and `Lookup.ExactOrGreater`. - `op` - A function that combines values from the two series. In case of left, right or outer join, some of the values may be missing. The function can also return `None` to indicate a missing result. - `series1` - The first (left) series to be aligned - `series2` - The second (right) series to be aligned [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberZipInnerK, V1, V2
Align and zip two series using inner join and exact key matching. The function returns a series of tuples with values from the two series. [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
Public methodStatic memberZipIntoV1, V2, R, K
Align and zip two series using inner join and exact key matching (use `zipAlignInto` for more options). The function calls the specified function `op` to combine values from the two series ## Parameters - `op` - A function that combines values from the two series. - `series1` - The first (left) series to be aligned - `series2` - The second (right) series to be aligned [category:Joining, merging and zipping]
See Also