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AddressingIAddressOperations Interface
Various implementations can use different schemes for working with addresses (for example, address can be just a global offset, or it can be pair of `int32` values that store partition and offset in a partition). This interface represents a specific address range and abstracts operations that BigDeedle needs to perform on addresses (within the specified range)

Namespace:  Deedle
Assembly:  Deedle (in Deedle.dll) Version: 1.2
public interface IAddressOperations

The AddressingIAddressOperations type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFirstElement
Returns the first address of the range
Public propertyLastElement
Returns the last address of the range
Public propertyRange
Returns a sequence that iterates over `FirstElement .. LastElement`
Public methodAddressOf
Return the address of a value at the specified absolute offset. (See the comment for `OffsetOf` for more info about partitioning)
Public methodAdjustBy
Increment or decrement the specified address by a given number
Public methodOffsetOf
Given an address, return the absolute offset of the address in the range This might be tricky for partitioned ranges. For example if you have two partitions with 10 values addressed by (0,0)..(0,9); (1,0)..(1,9), the the offset of address (1, 5) is 15.
See Also