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FrameModuleExpandColumnsR Method
Creates a new data frame where the specified columns are expanded based on runtime structure of the objects they store. A column can be expanded if it is `Series<string, T>` or `IDictionary<K, V>` or if it is any .NET object with readable properties. ## Example Given a data frame with a series that contains tuples, you can expand the tuple members and get a frame with columns `S.Item1` and `S.Item2`: let df = frame [ "S" => series [ 1 => (1, "One"); 2 => (2, "Two") ] ] df |> Frame.expandCols ["S"] ## Parameters - `names` - Names of columns in the original data frame to be expanded - `frame` - Input data frame whose columns will be expanded [category:Sorting and index manipulation]

Namespace:  Deedle
Assembly:  Deedle (in Deedle.dll) Version: 1.2
public static Frame<R, string> ExpandColumns<R>(
	IEnumerable<string> names,
	Frame<R, string> frame


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableString

[Missing <param name="names"/> documentation for "M:Deedle.FrameModule.ExpandColumns``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Deedle.Frame{``0,System.String})"]

Type: DeedleFrameR, String

[Missing <param name="frame"/> documentation for "M:Deedle.FrameModule.ExpandColumns``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Deedle.Frame{``0,System.String})"]

Type Parameters


Return Value

Type: FrameR, String

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Deedle.FrameModule.ExpandColumns``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Deedle.Frame{``0,System.String})"]

See Also