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This topic contains the following sections:

Following examples show how to use a Commissions object.

Overall commissions paid by the trading system

This example shows how to get commissions paid by a trading system.

 This example shows how to calculate commissions fees.

 The system used in this example was selected randomly.
 Data shown in this example can contain errors.*/

var defaultCommiss = CommissionsFactory().CalcCommissions(46106678);
TEXT = "Commission fees paid by 'Bob Dylan' using a default C2 commissions plan: " + defaultCommiss.ToString();

var ibCommiss = CommissionsFactory("ib").CalcCommissions(46106678);
TEXT = "Commission fees paid by 'Bob Dylan' using an IB commissions plan: " + ibCommiss.ToString();
Commissions Paid By Bob Dylan
Which broker is the best?

This example shows how to get commissions paid using all available commissions plans.

One line of code - and we know the best broker for the given trading system!

Search the Best Broker!
 This example shows how to see commissions fees paid using all available Collective2 commissions plans.

 The systems used in this example were selected randomly.
 Data shown in this example can contain errors.*/

H3 = "Show me commissions paid by 'Bob Dylan' using all available C2 plans";
TABLE = CommissionsFactory().CommissionByPlan(46106678);

H3 = "What if some broker's plan does not include all types of instruments?";
TABLE = CommissionsFactory().CommissionByPlan(98559500);
Which broker is the best?
Commissions Paid By Bob Dylan All Plans

What if some broker does not trade *all* used instrument?

Missing Instrument
Commissions Plan Not Available For All Instrumnets
Commissions by instruments

Can we see what broker is the best for the concrete type of traded instruments?

Commissions by Instruments
 This example shows how to see commissions fees calculated for different types of instruments.

 The systems used in this example were selected randomly.
 Data shown in this example can contain errors.*/

H3 = "Show me commissions paid per different instruments types.";
TABLE = CommissionsFactory().CommissionByInstruments(98559500);

H3 = "Great! But I wanted the tradeMONSTER plan...";
TABLE = CommissionsFactory("tm").CommissionByInstruments(98559500);
Commissions by Instruments
Commissions By Instruments
Low level data

All results above are based on the low level data - trading system's signals with commissions calculated using the given plan.

Signals with Commissions
 System's signals with commissions.
 See the "Commissions" columns.

 The systems used in this example were selected randomly.
 Data shown in this example can contain errors.*/

H3 = "Default commissions plan";
TABLE = CommissionsFactory().CalcCommissionsData(98559500);

H3 = "tradeMONSTER commissions plan";
TABLE = CommissionsFactory("tm").CalcCommissionsData(98559500);
Signals with Commissions
Commissions Low Level Data