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DelayedSeriesFromValueLoader Method
Overload List
Public methodStatic memberFromValueLoaderK, V(K, K, FSharpFuncTupleK, BoundaryBehavior, FSharpFuncTupleK, BoundaryBehavior, FSharpAsyncIEnumerableKeyValuePairK, V)
An F#-friendly function that creates lazily loaded series. The method requires the overall range of the series (smallest and greatest key) and a function that loads the data. The function is called with two tuples that specify lower and upper boundary. It returns an asynchronous workflow that produces the data. ## Parameters - `min` - The smallest key that should be present in the created series. - `min` - The greatests key that should be present in the created series. - `loader` - A function which returns an asynchronous workflow that loads the data in a specified range. The function is called with two tuples consisting of key and `BoundaryBehavior` values. The keys specify lower and upper boundary and `BoundaryBehavior` values can be either `Inclusive` or `Exclusive`. ## Remarks For more information see the [lazy data loading tutorial](../lazysource.html).
Public methodStatic memberFromValueLoaderK, V(K, K, FuncK, BoundaryBehavior, K, BoundaryBehavior, TaskIEnumerableKeyValuePairK, V)
A C#-friendly function that creates lazily loaded series. The method requires the overall range of the series (smallest and greatest key) and a function that loads the data. In this overload, the function is a `Func` delegate taking information about the requested range and returning `Task<T>` that produces the data. ## Parameters - `min` - The smallest key that should be present in the created series. - `min` - The greatests key that should be present in the created series. - `loader` - A delegate which returns a task that loads the data in a specified range. The delegate is called with four arguments specifying the minimal and maximal key and two `BoundaryBehavior` values specifying whether the low and high ranges are inclusive or exclusive. ## Remarks For more information see the [lazy data loading tutorial](../lazysource.html). The operation calls `loader` (and so creates the tasks) on the thread that is requesting the result.
See Also