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FrameTRowKey, TColumnKeyZip Method
Overload List
Public methodZipV1, V2, V3(FrameTRowKey, TColumnKey, FuncV1, V2, V3)
Aligns two data frames using both column index and row index and apply the specified operation on values of a specified type that are available in both data frames. This overload uses `JoinKind.Outer` for both columns and rows. Once aligned, the call `df1.Zip<T>(df2, f)` applies the specifed function `f` on all `T` values that are available in corresponding locations in both frames. For values of other types, the value from `df1` is returned. ## Parameters - `otherFrame` - Other frame to be aligned and zipped with the current instance - `op` - A function that is applied to aligned values. The `Zip` operation is generic in the type of this function and the type of function is used to determine which values in the frames are zipped and which are left unchanged. [category:Joining, zipping and appending]
Public methodZipV1, V2, V3(FrameTRowKey, TColumnKey, JoinKind, JoinKind, Lookup, FuncV1, V2, V3)
Aligns two data frames using both column index and row index and apply the specified operation on values of a specified type that are available in both data frames. The parameters `columnKind`, and `rowKind` can be specified to determine how the alginment works (similarly to `Join`). Column keys are always matched using `Lookup.Exact`, but `lookup` determines lookup for rows. Once aligned, the call `df1.Zip<T>(df2, f)` applies the specifed function `f` on all `T` values that are available in corresponding locations in both frames. For values of other types, the value from `df1` is returned. ## Parameters - `otherFrame` - Other frame to be aligned and zipped with the current instance - `columnKind` - Specifies how to align columns (inner, outer, left or right join) - `rowKind` - Specifies how to align rows (inner, outer, left or right join) - `lookup` - Specifies how to find matching value for a row (when using left or right join on rows) Supported values are `Lookup.Exact`, `Lookup.ExactOrSmaller` and `Lookup.ExactOrGreater`. - `op` - A function that is applied to aligned values. The `Zip` operation is generic in the type of this function and the type of function is used to determine which values in the frames are zipped and which are left unchanged. [category:Joining, zipping and appending]
See Also