This topic contains the following sections:
C2EQUITY represents a database view returning a collection of the Collective2 trading systems accounts data (equities) .
Note |
It means the equity data of publicly visible, active trading systems. |
Get an equity data of the system 75976336.
// Select an account equity of the system 75976336 TABLE = from eqdata in C2EQUITY where eqdata.SystemId == 75976336 select eqdata;
In theory, you can see all Collective2 trading systems equities data using this simple command: TABLE = C2EQUITY;
In reality, it will end with the Query timeout
Collective2 equity data are simply too big to download. Even in the case you have a fast Internet connection and you are able to download several gigabytes in time, your browser will probably crash.
// In theory, this returns all C2 systems equities data: TABLE = C2EQUITY; // In reality, it ends by the "Query timeout" error // because that data are simply too big.